murdock » 18 Jan 2025, 5:14 pm » wrote: ↑
Your question is pointless. No one here has met him and no one here knows anything about him other than what the proven liars in the media spew.
Patterns of behavior show where a character is headed for in the future regardless defending a specific ideology or protecting a social consensus. Always on the offensive or defensive means a person doesn't know where balance comes from.
Serenity is knowing the difference between make people believe anything else is possible and navigating around what is never possible in plain sight understood from personal experience adapting as displaced in proportion with everything else outside your time living here now.
Your time living is the specific position you are in through no choice of your own. Your time alive, equally one of a kind, now. Elon Musk is a generation gap behind Donald Trump doing the same thing in technology Trump did in real estate.
I am prepared for any direction Trump and Musk work society forward. I suspect they will do as they always have, profit from organized chaos. I just recognize they use their brain doing it while people following social consensus either believe they are evil or saving humanity.
When they keep their word about serving equal opportunity for all people citizens of this country regardless race, creed, color, national origin, and the rest, then I will be better off than I have been for a long time. 3 decades.